Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Act. 3 Evaluation of my Summary

In this activity, a partner will evaluate my summarizing abilities.

Language Teaching for the Future
by Andrew Littlejohn
     As teachers, we need to think on how the world has changed, and how the world will change, since its[U1]  social and technological changes to come will affect our practice on language teaching.
     A quite particular change is the effect of the “McDonaldisation” process of “de-skilling” and “re-skilling” in favor of globalization.  This term and others, have came to explain the similarity between the well known fast food brand and globalization.
     Decades ago, people faced a short of optimist point of view to see life, but optimistic doesn´t mean that everything it´s ok, it just means that you are fine waiting for solutions to be sent from heaven.  All the methods arose[U2]  explain us that people had the need for more and better teaching methods, therefore, we also need to know what is happening and what we would like to happen since education has a shaping role on students.
     To know what´s happening we must observe the key characteristics of social context from Western industrialized societies:
1.     Fragmented society.
2.     Decline of national governments.
3.     Rapid (dis)appearance of jobs.
4.     Spread of “the market.
5.     Influence of electronic media.
6.     Endlessly eclectic.
     Ritzer agrees with Littlejohn calling these tendencies in human interaction the “McDonaldisation of society”, people live in a control cage, efficient and totally predictable, interactions are standardized and dehumanized, in the classroom, Ss do not need to think or resolve problems, but to follow a routine to have fast effortless and meaningless learning.  Teachers also need to adjust and offer “edutainment” seeing Ss[U3]  as customers who need to have fun.   Textbooks are not the exception[U4] ; old PPP activities about pop music, with explicit directions, so unskilled teachers can follow them for tiny salaries.
     Once we are aware of our role as teachers of communication[U5] , we may consider if “McCoursebooks” are really involving Ss in real decision making [U6] and real contributions to the content of the lessons, developing Socratic methods to make them analyze what they read[U7] , see and are told.  To really help Ss to face the future in the social context set by globalization, we must observe six principles to analyze the curriculum:[U8] 
1.     Coherence.
2.     Significant content.
3.     Decision-making in the classroom.
4.     Use of student´s intelligence.
5.     Cultural understanding.
6.     Critical language awareness.
Future is not predicted, we shape it every day with our decisions and actions.

 [U1]Syntax: misspelled Word.

 [U2]Punctuation, in a paragraph we need to include commas to separate ideas.

 [U3]Syntax: avoid repetition of words use anaphoric references.

 [U4]Punctuation, in a paragraph we need to separate ideas.

 [U5]Adequacy to write in the correct order “communication teachers”

 [U6]Punctuation, in a paragraph we need to include commas to separate ideas.

 [U7]Syntax: a modal verb should be used.

 [U8]Punctuatio:n we need to separate ideas.

Analysis of the summary:

1. Comprehensibility: The summary is comprehensible, is well oriented in the main idea of the author, some of the ideas need to be separate, but it still a good understanding of the whole text at the first reading.

2. Organization:  It has a good organization, the paragraphs express ideas clear, and also it respects the order of the original text.

3. Punctuation:  several mistakes, they are least.
4. Adequacy of syntax:  Only a few mistakes, they’re not so relevant to hinder with the comprehension of the text.

Scale for Assessing the summary

4 Excellent – The summary is well-organized and coherent; contains a range of grammatical structures with minor errors that do not impede comprehension; good punctuation and vocabulary range.

Report to your partner the following:

1. Explain summary-writing experience
     I like this activity because it´s not easy for me to summarize, when I try to do it, I end with quite long text, because everything it´s important to me and I don´t want to leave out meaningful information, when I began this online course, I remember the long notes that I used to take for each homework, they were quite helpful, I must admit, but they could be much shorter. 

2. Explain what you learned about the experience.
I think something like this is what happens to our Ss, when they search online they face a lot of options, a huge ocean of related information, which they have to select to pick up only useful sites or they would get overwhelmed.   When we learn to observe for key words, we acquire a helpful tool to get just what we need, the rest it´s additional.

3. Tell what strategies you will use to solve the identified problems in the future.
        Observe punctuation, use references, continue focusing on key words and be more analytical on my comments.

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